These 42 years are much more than soul mysteries, plants energy and life prosperity!

August 15th


Bruno Gimenes is one of those responsible for the expansion of spirituality in Brazil. He is expert in personal development and prosperity.

In addition he is Content Director and co-founder of Luz da Serra Institution, he is a teacher, lecturer with over 2,100 face-to-face lectures that have already been attended by over 50,000 people.

Bruno is also a writer and has over 20 published books.


Special thanks to the creators:

"Superman tinha visão de raios-x. Existem outros que eu adoro, o Lanterna Verde, a Mulher Maravilha..."

Bruno Gimenes

What they are talking


"Eu tenho cara de bobo, de quem não estuda... as pessoas falam coisas pra mim, querem me ensinar, como se eu não tivesse estudado".​

Bruno Gimenes

"Quando eu era moleque, eu vivia doente. Já corintiano, eu era bem magrinho, um palito e a cabeça 'deste tamanho'. Bom, cabeçudo eu continuo sendo, só a parte de baixo cresceu um pouco, ficou mais proporcional."

Bruno Gimenes


Bruno Gimenes


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